Client commands
When in a hypergen context commands can be sent to the frontend for execution. A command is a list where the first element is a dotted path to a javascript function available from window
or in the executing script. The remaining elements are used as arguments to the function.
This command alerts the user:
["alert", "Whats up?"]
Commands lives in the hypergen.commands
list in the global context. So to manually add commands one would:
from hypergen.context import context
def my_view_or_callback(request):
context.hypergen.commands.append(["alert", "Whats up?"])
The function command()
available in hypergen.liveview is normally used as a shortcut:
from hypergen.liveview import command
def my_view_or_callback(request):
command("console.log", "Whats up?", [1, 2, 3])
Examples of client commands
Run a generic javascript command
It must be available in the window scope.
def alert(request):
command("alert", "I am lert")
Run a generic javascript command 2
Manually returns commands.
def alert2(request):
commands = [["alert", "This is an alert!"]]
return HttpResponse(dumps(commands), status=200, content_type='application/json')
Data can move a round in different ways:
- server->client: As arguments to the callback (cb) function on e.g. onclick events on html elements.
- client->server: As arguments to @action functions.
- server->client: As arguments to client commands.
Consider this template function:
def show_button():
"string": "hi",
"int": 42,
"float": 9.9,
"list": [1, 2, 3],
"range": range(1, 10, 2),
"tuple": (1, 2, 3),
"dict": {"key": "value"},
"set": {1, 2, 3},
"frozenset": frozenset({1, 2, 3}),
"date": date(2022, 1, 1),
"datetime": datetime(2022, 1, 1, 10, 11, 23),},
The most popular python data types are supported. Notice that pythons json.dumps force converts tuples to lists :(
@action(perm=NO_PERM_REQUIRED, target_id="serialized")
def serialization(request, round_tripped_data):
Press the button!
Hypergen commands
These are the commands hypergen provides, see how they are implemented at the source.
Takes an id and the content to replace it with.
def morph(request):
command("hypergen.morph", "morphed", "MORPHED!")
Old contentUses the great DOM diff/patching tool morphdom.
Takes an id and removes it.
def remove(request):
command("hypergen.remove", "remove-me")
Still herehide
Takes an id and hides it.
def hide(request):
command("hypergen.hide", "hide-me")
Still displayedredirect
Takes an url and redirects to it.
def redirect(request):
Show sources
urls.pyfrom hypergen.hypergen import autourls
from commands import views, actions
app_name = 'commands'
urlpatterns = autourls(views, app_name)
urlpatterns += autourls(actions, app_name)
views.pyfrom hypergen.imports import *
from website.templates2 import base_example_template, show_sources
from commands import templates
def commands(request):
with base_example_template():
templates.pyfrom hypergen.imports import *
from datetime import date, datetime
import inspect
from commands.actions import *
def fn(title, description, fun):
if title:
if description:
def show_button():
"string": "hi",
"int": 42,
"float": 9.9,
"list": [1, 2, 3],
"range": range(1, 10, 2),
"tuple": (1, 2, 3),
"dict": {"key": "value"},
"set": {1, 2, 3},
"frozenset": frozenset({1, 2, 3}),
"date": date(2022, 1, 1),
"datetime": datetime(2022, 1, 1, 10, 11, 23),},
def commands():
h2("Client commands")
"When in a hypergen context commands can be sent to the frontend for execution. A command is a list where the first element is a dotted path to a javascript function available from ",
code("window"), " or in the executing script. The remaining elements are used as arguments to the function.",
sep=" ")
p("This command alerts the user:")
pre(code('["alert", "Whats up?"]'))
p("Commands lives in the", code("hypergen.commands"),
"list in the global context. So to manually add commands one would:", sep=" ")
from hypergen.context import context
def my_view_or_callback(request):
context.hypergen.commands.append(["alert", "Whats up?"])
p("The function", code("command()"), "available in hypergen.liveview is normally used as a shortcut:", sep=" ")
from hypergen.liveview import command
def my_view_or_callback(request):
command("console.log", "Whats up?", [1, 2, 3])
h2("Examples of client commands")
fn("Run a generic javascript command", "It must be available in the window scope.", alert)
button("run", id_="alert", onclick=callback(alert))
fn("Run a generic javascript command 2", "Manually returns commands.", alert2)
button("run", id_="alert2", onclick=callback(alert2))
p("Data can move a round in different ways:")
li("server->client: As arguments to the callback (cb) function on e.g. onclick events on html elements."),
li("client->server: As arguments to @action functions."),
li("server->client: As arguments to client commands."),
fn(None, "Consider this template function:", show_button)
None, "The most popular python data types are supported. Notice that pythons json.dumps force converts "
"tuples to lists :(", serialization)
pre(code("Press the button!", id_="serialized"))
h2("Hypergen commands")
"These are the commands hypergen provides, see how they are implemented at ",
"the source", href=
), ".")
fn("morph", "Takes an id and the content to replace it with.", morph)
button("run", id_="morph", onclick=callback(morph))
span("Old content", id_="morphed")
p("Uses the great DOM diff/patching tool ", a("morphdom", href=""),
fn("remove", "Takes an id and removes it.", remove)
button("run", id_="remove", onclick=callback(remove))
span("Still here", id_="remove-me")
fn("hide", "Takes an id and hides it.", hide)
button("run", id_="hide", onclick=callback(hide))
span("Still displayed", id_="hide-me")
fn("redirect", "Takes an url and redirects to it.", redirect)
button("run", id_="redirect", onclick=callback(redirect))
callbacks.pyfrom hypergen.imports import *
from pprint import pformat
from django.http.response import HttpResponse
def alert(request):
command("alert", "I am lert")
def alert2(request):
commands = [["alert", "This is an alert!"]]
return HttpResponse(dumps(commands), status=200, content_type='application/json')
@action(perm=NO_PERM_REQUIRED, target_id="serialized")
def serialization(request, round_tripped_data):
def morph(request):
command("hypergen.morph", "morphed", "MORPHED!")
def remove(request):
command("hypergen.remove", "remove-me")
def hide(request):
command("hypergen.hide", "hide-me")
def redirect(request):
actions.pyfrom hypergen.imports import *
from pprint import pformat
from django.http.response import HttpResponse
def alert(request):
command("alert", "I am lert")
def alert2(request):
commands = [["alert", "This is an alert!"]]
return HttpResponse(dumps(commands), status=200, content_type='application/json')
@action(perm=NO_PERM_REQUIRED, target_id="serialized")
def serialization(request, round_tripped_data):
def morph(request):
command("hypergen.morph", "morphed", "MORPHED!")
def remove(request):
command("hypergen.remove", "remove-me")
def hide(request):
command("hypergen.hide", "hide-me")
def redirect(request):