
- take a break from javascript

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Global context

Django requires that the hypergen.context.context_middleware middleware is added to the MIDDLEWARE variable in settings.py:


It adds an immutable global data structure that is local to the request. It's used throughout hypergen to collect html and several other features. Get at it like so:

from hypergen.context import context
print(context.request) # The middleware adds the request.

It's available to users too, although the names 'request' and 'hypergen' are reserved for internal use.

Heres whats in context.hypergen.into right now for an example:

['<!DOCTYPE ',
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 'width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0',
 'Django Hypergen',
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 img(src="/static/website/hypergen-logo.bcf5accd9cb7.png", class_="logo"),
 ' - take a break from javascript',
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 'Back to documentation',
 ' ',
 'Global context',
 'Django requires that the',
 ' ',
 ' ',
 'middleware is added to the',
 ' ',
 ' ',
 'variable in settings.py:',
 code("MIDDLEWARE = [
 'It adds an immutable global ',
 a("data structure", href="https://pyrsistent.readthedocs.io/en/latest/api.html#pyrsistent.pmap"),
 ' that is local to the request. ',
 'It&#x27;s used throughout hypergen to collect html and several other '
 'features. Get at it like so:',
 code("from hypergen.context import context
print(context.request) # The middleware adds the request."),
 'It&#x27;s available to users too, although the names &#x27;request&#x27; and '
 '&#x27;hypergen&#x27; are reserved for internal use.',
 'Heres whats in',
 ' ',
 ' ',
 'right now for an example:',

Using global context in your own apps

You can use your own global context like this example:

def context_example():
    with context(at="my_appname", title="my original items", items=[1, 2, 3]):
        with dl():
            dd(context["my_appname"]["items"], sep=", ")

            with context(at="my_appname", title="my nested items", items=[4, 5]):
                dd(context["my_appname"]["items"], sep=", ")

            dd(context.my_appname["items"], sep=", ")

And it would yield the following html:

my original items
1, 2, 3
my nested items
4, 5
my original items
1, 2, 3